It WAS going to be another milestone but...
Kittens had a vet appointment today. It was to be their "official" first kitten visit to get dewormed, first set of shots, etc. Long story short, while they're all very healthy, they ARE rather small for their age. They should be nearly 2lbs by this age but Bonnie is 1lb 6oz. and Sunnie is tiny at only 1lb 2oz. Vet felt given the fact that they were orphaned so young and Sunnie had such a rough start, it would be best if we give them a little more time before vaccination. I can only hope that this doesn't affect their pending adoptions because they won't be ready for another few weeks now.
They were dewormed today. I've seen a lot of kittens get dewormed but have never seen anyone act more dramatic than Brownie, who literally GAGGED after the Doc squirted the stuff in his mouth. It caught the vet so off guard so she squirted a bit off to the side so she had to give him a second dose, and he gagged after that one too in the most dramatic fashion. We were all cracking up in the exam room.
They were most well behaved and everyone fawned over them at the vet's, however the 20 min car ride to the office was rather ugly. Bonnie & Brownie got car sick and pooped & puked one after another, and soon I was covered in both from top to bottom. I'm sure I was quite a sight walking into the office with 3 tiny kittens in my arms, with poop on my shirt and puke on my jeans :P
Either way, we're now back home with a clean bill of health (but without vaccinations) and everyone's passed out from exhaustion.
Can't end without a few pictures. Here's Brownie being affectionate & cheeky.
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