Family, Friends, and our furred and feathered companions

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A moment like this

Turning around from my computer to catch a priceless moment like this is what makes everything worth it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Haven't posted a video in a few days

Just showing how active they have gotten, even little Sunnie.

I weighted them again today. Bonnie & Brownie are 1 lb 2 oz each but Sunnie is only 14 oz which is worrisome. Even though he's eating solid food now, he's not quite ready for it and is still trying to suck the wet food in rather than chew it. I think I'll do additional feedings just for Sunnie starting tomorrow, to try to catch him up.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Too cute not to share

I wanted to take a better picture but Brownie saw me with the camera and quickly intervened so all I got was a blurry picture.

Bounce bounce.

Just kittens bouncing around again :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Big step!

Sunnie gave up the bottle! All he needed was a little bit of tough love, which I cleary have trouble with. He still did get the bottle this morning but was still hungry afterwards, and after crying and chasing me around the room with no result, decided that he was too hungry to resist and went for the bowl. A big step for baby Sunnie!

Monday, August 15, 2011

DAY 29

We're just having fun these days, growing up and learning, doing new things. Anything goes and everything's a game. I'm trying to focus on enjoying every day with them until they're old enough to go to their new homes. They're roughly 5 weeks now so there's not much time left... :(

Brownie and Sunnie found daddy's hat and thought it was a perfect spot for a nap.
Then of course Bonnie had to poke her nose in and find out what she's missing.

While the other two are venturing out more on their own, Bonnie has actually become more attached and clingy. A big baby after all :)

It's hard to get a group picture of the guys since they rarely stay still. I managed to catch them all taking a nap on my PJ.

I do have a milestone to report. Bonnie & Brownie are eating out of the bowl, a mix of KMR and meaty baby food. I know weaning is a bit late but with all the problems they've had I didn't want to rush them. You'd notice that Sunnie is still on the bottle, he's refusing to give it up and I have a hard time saying no to him...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

DAY 25

Munchkins are really growing up, bouncing around like real kittens. Video of kittens just hanging out.

Today we tried the formula in the bowl for the first time. Bonnie jumped right in, literally.

But she quickly got tired of all the effort. And for making her do the extra work she demanded to be fed on my shoulder to make up for it. Well, truth be told she wanted to be on my head but settled for my shoulder instead.

Others tried dipping their feet in the milk too but couldn't quite figure out what it was about, so we'll try it again for dinner.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just another day

DAY 23

Just a short video of the growing kids, things seem to be finally settling in and everyone doing well. Today I was on my computer and felt someone watching me...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Growing up

DAY 19

Time sure flies, especially when you have kittens in your life. Watching them grow from these tiny fragile things that resemble hamsters, into pudgy bouncy kittens is simply amazing. Munchkins are almost 4 weeks old now and starting to really act like kittens. I let them loose in the room for the first time yesterday so here are some pictures of their adventure.

Starting with 2 of my favorite pictures of Sunnie. He's still the baby of the group, 2 oz behind his brother and sister in weight but finally thriving. He's quiet and sensitive, and completely stolen my heart.

Sunnie & Brownie exploring. Brownie had a blast on his first outing. He's the easy going playful one in the group, and is quite goofy already.

Sunnie has this perpetual timid look on his face.

Bonnie, the leader of the gang. No timidness here. She has the most innocent face, it's hard to resist when she looks at you. But you better watch it. Behind those big brown eyes lies one very smart and determined little girl who will get what she wants when she wants it. Right now she's testing to see if her brand new set of teeth will help her to get things quicker. If you're not careful you WILL be outsmarted by her.

The trouble-making duo, Bonnie and Brownie.

There's that look again.

Brownie was busy plotting how to get under the dresser when we're not looking. He showed me I definitely underestimated his intelligence ;)

Caught Bonnie in a rare moment of calm.

The large carrier they were living in were getting too crowded so the munchkins moved into the crate yesterday. Hopefully they'll be needing a litterbox soon. The trio seems to like their new home.

We're still battling constipation and will be trying Slippery Elm per recommendation by my sister. I'm really hoping to get that under control before getting started on weaning them off of KMR.